Coping with Anxiety in Colchester, CT

Have you ever had racing thoughts about several different worries? Maybe your brain feels like a web browser with too many tabs open. Does your chest ever feels tight, like it feels difficult to breathe? Or perhaps, your palms get sweaty and your legs starts to shake. Sometimes it can feel too difficult to manage or control the worry.

How can I cope with anxiety?


A way to cope with anxiety is to use a grounding skill. You might ask, “A grounding what?” A grounding skill is a way to help you stay in the present moment. Anxiety does a good job of allowing you to focus either in the future or the past. A common one is exploring your senses and your environment.

First, describe 5 things you can see in the environment around you as in, “I see a beautiful painting with green, blue, and grey colors." Next, describe 4 things you can feel such as “ I can feel the softness of my throw blanket.” Then, name 3 things you can hear like, “I hear the TV in the other room.” Now, describe 2 things you smell. If there isn’t a particular smell, think about two smells you enjoy. Lastly, say 1 thing you like about yourself or that you are proud of.

This exercise allows you a break from the worry and helps to shift focus into the here and now. If you are ready to learn more coping skills about managing anxiety, stress, and worry call 860-888-2516 or email here for a 15 minute phone consultation today!